Thursday, November 11, 2010

Magna Carta

Me:  I’m here to ask you all about the Magna Carta. So what is the Magna Carta and how you were involved with it?
John: Well, the government was in a very bad place at the time. France had lost a lot of land and we had lost a power struggle with the pope.  We were losing a lot of respect with the nobles.

Me: Why were you the nobles and the pope getting in fights?

John: Well the nobles were not paying their taxes, so I put them in jail. The Pope and I got in a fight because we both wanted to name the next bishop. Then Barons started to rebel against me, and they made me sign the Magna Carta in 1215.  The Magna Carta limited my powers and protected the privileges of the people.

Me: What was the Magna Carta?

John: The Magna Carta in Latin means the “great charter”.  The Magna Carta was a document that granted basic rights and privileges.  It said that the king must obey the Magna Carta.

Me: Why do you think the signing of the Magna Carta was so important?

John: I think that the signing of the Magna Carta was important because it led to a new government that people still use and it helped make the Due Process of Law.  It helped put together a better government. I think it will be viewed as one of the most important legal documents of all time.

The Magna Carta influenced the legal systems of our time, and it is very important to us!

Carelton, Mr. "Magna Carta." Seaholm High School. Mr. Carelton . Seaholm High School, Brimingham High School. 3 Nov. 2010. Lecture.

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