Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Confucius- Hi, I’m Confucius and I was born in 551 in Northwest China.  I grew up in a very poor family because my father died when I was three.  My mom and I lived in China during the Chou dynasty in poverty. I developed the idea of goodness and believed if a ruler was good, the people would be good as well. I believe that humanity is the center of heaven and earth. I had a government job and tried to teach people my ideas about goodness. Most people didn’t like my ideas and I was fired from my job.  I am now a wandering teacher, and I teach people all about my ideas. Some people like my ideas because they think my ideas are something that everyone will be able to do; be good. I soon hope that my ideas will catch on and spread all over China and the world.

300 years after Confucius died the Han dynasty makes Confucianism the official state religion.
            Carelton, Robert. "China." World History. Ernest W. Seaholm High School . Class, Birmingham. 12 Oct. 2010. Class lecture.

Lio Zi and Taoism

Lio Zi and Taoism- Hi, I’m Lio Zi and I was born around 604 BC. Around 550, I wrote Dao De Jing which is a classic Chinese text that is all about the philosophy of Taoism. My book is the center of many different Chinese religions such as Legalism, Neo-Confucianism, Taoism and Chinese Buddhism. I am the father and organizer of Taoism.  Taoism means “the way” and it is simply trying to lead a good life in harmony with nature and the universe. In Taoism we believe in Yang and Yin. Yang is a positive man being, while Yin is a negative woman being. Neither is better than the other they just create a perfect balance. Taoism is important because it is the basis of many other Chinese religions, and of Chinese society.  I am very proud to have created Taoism.

"Taoism Basics-" Inspiration, Spirituality, Faith, Religion.- N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Oct. 2010. <>.

Buddhism comes to China

Buddhism comes to China- Hi, I’m Siddharta Gautama otherwise known as the Buddha. I have created an idea to get rid of desire.  If a society can get rid of desire then the society will be at peace. I founded the religion Buddhism around 460 BC. I was a prince and my father was a king. He tried to shield me from anything bad. However I saw many bad things and I went away from home.  I went to find enlightenment.  I became an ascetic and was barely surviving. Then I went to the Immovable Spot, and found enlightenment even though it was very hard to find.  I created a religion that swept all over China by trade. People came back from India with religious pictures and teachings of mine. They thought it was very interesting because it was the most different religion they had ever seen.  It is now a major religion in China.  Buddhists follow the 4 noble truths.  These are dukka, tahha, overcoming, and the eightfold path. The goal of Buddhism is finding nirvana. Buddhism will hopefully spread all over the world!

            Carelton, Robert. "Buddhism lecture." World History. Mr. Carelton. Ernest W. Seaholm High School, Birmingham . 13 Oct. 2010. Lecture

Unification of China

Unification of China- Hi, I’m Shi Huangdi and in 221 BC I unified China. I am considered the “First Emperor” of China.  I spent 20 years conquering the Chinese states. I started making punishments for failure.  I started building the Qin government.  I had to make harsh rules in order to kept China unified.  I burned many books and writings, and enslaved or killed many people if they did not follow my rules. I made federal states with different military districts. I made money to help unite China. I think my biggest achievement was building the Great Wall of China.  I built the Great Wall by uniting the existing walls that stood to protect individual regions. My dynasty that I created was important because I was the first one to successfully unite china for a long time, and I made the Great Wall of China, which will be standing forever.   I hope my dynasty will last forever.

In 210 Shi Huangdi died, and soon after did the Qin dynasty.

Engineering An Empire, Vol. 2: Carthage, China & Russia [DVD]. Dir. Mark Cannon. Perf. Mark Cannon. A&E Television Network, 2006. Film.

Great Wall of China

Great Wall- Hi, I’m Su Zhi, and I’m one of the workers working on the Great Wall of China in 220 BCE during the Qin dynasty. Shi Huandgi is forcing us make it. It is horrible because we have so much work to do all the time.  If we ever complain, Shi Huandgi will order us killed and we will be buried into the wall. It is very hard work, and I can’t wait for the work to be done.  Shi Huandgi is building the wall to unite China more. He is doing it by linking together already existing walls that were protecting certain regions in China. Shi Huandgi is also putting the walls up to keep nomads and other people out, and to keep us in. It is the biggest building accomplishment in Chinese history so far.

Engineering An Empire, Vol. 2: Carthage, China & Russia [DVD]. Dir. Mark Cannon. Perf. Mark Cannon. A&E Television Network, 2006. Film.

Han dynasty

Han Dynasty- (207- 220 CE) Hi, I’m Liu Bang and I am the emperor of China during the Han dynasty. The Qin dynasty ended quickly after the emperor died. The Han dynasty started in 206 BCE after I led a rebellion against the Qin dynasty. I believe that because of my great leadership skills, I have led a great dynasty.  Ever since I started ruling, the economy has become way better  and many people are coming to China to live.   I had the Great Wall of China extended, and put in towers in the Great Wall as well. My dynasty has reached 50 million people.  I have been leading a this dynasty, and got China back on track. I was the first ruler who established this dynasty.  We were the first dynasty to support Confucianism, and our rulers were seen as ruling under the mandate of heaven.

"Han Dynasty China - History for Kids!." Kidipede - History for Kids - Homework Help for Middle School. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Oct. 2010. <

Liu, Kwang-ching. "History of Chinese Religion - ReligionFacts." Religion, World Religions, Comparative Religion - Just the facts on the world's religions.. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Oct. 2010. <

Tang dynasty

Tang dynasty- (618- 907) Hi, I’m Li Shi and I’m a trader living during the Tang dynasty. The Tang dynasty started in 618 AD right after the Sui dynasty fell. It was equal or superior to the Han dynasty. I believe that it is superior! Li Yuan was the first Tang emperor and he expanded this empire. We are a civil system government.  The canals that were built by the Sui dynasty allow us to communicate with people all over the world. It also gives an easier way to trade. I believe this dyansty to be the Golden Age of poetry. The Tang Code was also just created in 624, which is the first Chinese code to have ever been built. We have made many important inventions that have helped us plant many things like rice and other important grains for trade. Our dynasty is a great time for the Chinese people and Chinese history. Confucianism is very popular during this time, nd has flourished.  Buddhism began to rise in popularity during this period, but when a new emperor Wu-tsung came into power he shut down many Buddhist churches.  He made nuns and monks live as laypeople. It changed Buddhism and how everyone here thinks of it.

The tang dynasty fell after the tang lost territory to the Arabs, and after corruption, high taxes, droughts, famine, and rebellions.

"T'ang Dynasty." Minnesota State University, Mankato. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Oct. 2010. <

Sung dynasty

Sung dynasty- (960- 1126) Hi, I’m a merchant during the Sung dynasty. The Sung dynasty started in 960. We were the first dynasty to ever have paper money. Our emperor made it to try and unify China even more!   We also were the first people to come up with gunpowder. Everything that we do is by civil government.  The Sung dynasty is split into two divisions: the Southern Sung dynasty and the Northern Sung dynasty.   The Grand Canal has helped during this time period, and it encouraged international trade, and helped trading of goods and cultures. There are only two social classes during this time. The upper and lower. The merchants are part of the lower, and make up the majority of it. We, the Sung dynasty, looked for answers to questions about Confucianism ideas.  One man, Zhu Xi, made a book talking all about the Confucian, Buddhism, and Taoism thoughts. This book gives us a better idea of mostly Confucius thoughts. We have made our naval army great! We really are the greatest power on sea. We had to try to fight off the Mongols when they came trying to attack us, so we made new weapons starting with gunpowder. During the Sung dynasty China doubled in size.

The Sung dynasty ended with the Mongols took over. The Sung did not have the army to fight the Mongols.

"The rise and fall of the Sung Dynasty." N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Oct. 2010. <

Liu, Kwang-ching. "History of Chinese Religion - ReligionFacts." Religion, World Religions, Comparative Religion - Just the facts on the world's religions.. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Oct. 2010. <

Mongols take China

Mongols take China- Hi, I’m Kublai Khan, a Mongol leader. My grandfather was Genghis Khan, the greatest Mongol leader.  I am now emperor of China.  The Mongol empire had lasted over fifty years before we decided to invade China. We invaded China, and captured the Sung capital. In 1241, we controlled all of northern China. The Mongols are the greatest horseman of the world.  We slowly adapted the Chinese belief and philosophy. We allow many religions. We support Taoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism. We listen to the ideas of all religions. We control the Silk Road which is a very big deal because many things are passed to people though the slik road. Not just things that you trade, but also culture. I think that my dynasty is importnat because we support many different religions, and we had a very large empire!   Sadly, At this time the Chinese people are very mad at me for not giving government jobs to the Chinese. I am trying to be as great a ruler as my grandfather was.

After Kublai Khan died, a lot the Chinese poeple had the Black Death which is a plaque and millions of people died. Soon after that China was taken from the Mongols.  

Liu, Kwang-ching. "History of Chinese Religion - ReligionFacts." Religion, World Religions, Comparative Religion - Just the facts on the world's religions.. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Oct. 2010. <

"Yuan Dynasty - the Mongols in China - History for Kids!." Kidipede - History for Kids - Homework Help for Middle School. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Oct. 2010. <

Zheng He

 Zheng He- Hi, I’m admiral Zheng he.   When I was younger, I got the opportunity to go and help in the palace. I become the emperor’s right hand man. I started ordering ships to go on voyages all over the world. I made 300 huge ships! They were the biggest ships to ever set sail on sea. These ships were huge. I travel all over the world and bring back ideas that will hopefully change some of the Chinese government, and it will also help us understand the people that surround us. I think that it will help us from getting into war as well.   The ships that I have made have canons and many other weapons to fight enemy ships.  In 1405, I started a journey to 37 countries.  This journey took me 28 years!

After Zheng He died, his ships were ordered to be burned and set on fire. Many people are very upset that the ships were burned, and because the voyages were stopped. Many people think that this may have led to the chinese government failing later in history.

Engineering An Empire, Vol. 2: Carthage, China & Russia [DVD]. Dir. Mark Cannon. Perf. Mark Cannon. A&E Television Network, 2006. DVD.