Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Unification of China

Unification of China- Hi, I’m Shi Huangdi and in 221 BC I unified China. I am considered the “First Emperor” of China.  I spent 20 years conquering the Chinese states. I started making punishments for failure.  I started building the Qin government.  I had to make harsh rules in order to kept China unified.  I burned many books and writings, and enslaved or killed many people if they did not follow my rules. I made federal states with different military districts. I made money to help unite China. I think my biggest achievement was building the Great Wall of China.  I built the Great Wall by uniting the existing walls that stood to protect individual regions. My dynasty that I created was important because I was the first one to successfully unite china for a long time, and I made the Great Wall of China, which will be standing forever.   I hope my dynasty will last forever.

In 210 Shi Huangdi died, and soon after did the Qin dynasty.

Engineering An Empire, Vol. 2: Carthage, China & Russia [DVD]. Dir. Mark Cannon. Perf. Mark Cannon. A&E Television Network, 2006. Film.

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