Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Zheng He

 Zheng He- Hi, I’m admiral Zheng he.   When I was younger, I got the opportunity to go and help in the palace. I become the emperor’s right hand man. I started ordering ships to go on voyages all over the world. I made 300 huge ships! They were the biggest ships to ever set sail on sea. These ships were huge. I travel all over the world and bring back ideas that will hopefully change some of the Chinese government, and it will also help us understand the people that surround us. I think that it will help us from getting into war as well.   The ships that I have made have canons and many other weapons to fight enemy ships.  In 1405, I started a journey to 37 countries.  This journey took me 28 years!

After Zheng He died, his ships were ordered to be burned and set on fire. Many people are very upset that the ships were burned, and because the voyages were stopped. Many people think that this may have led to the chinese government failing later in history.

Engineering An Empire, Vol. 2: Carthage, China & Russia [DVD]. Dir. Mark Cannon. Perf. Mark Cannon. A&E Television Network, 2006. DVD.

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